BERLIN – FSG and Belgian fashion brand Xandres have agreed on a collaboration and will together work on introducing the Xandres brand to German women who love high quality fashion from Belgium.
‘We really want Xandres to become an international brand. Germany for us is the first step in this journey. We see this as a big step forward. We are excited about introducing Xandres to the German audience’, says Patrick Desrumaux, the CEO of Xandres.
Xandres is part of the French Damartex Group, which owns well known French fashion brands like Damart and Afibel. The brand is known for high quality collections. Desrumaux: ‘We realize that standing out on the German market is not easy. But we are confident that we are unique and that we can.’
Immediate connection
‘For us it was clear that working in Germany is something else than working in Belgium, where we have been well known for a long time. When we started talking to FSG, we felt an immediate connection to the team. We talked to some of their clients to hear how they experienced working with FSG and felt like working with them was the way to go’, says Desrumaus.
Full blown market-entry
Radboud Langenhorst, CEO of FSG: ‘Adding Xandres to our portfolio is a great new chapter for FSG for several reasons. Most importantly Xandres is simply a beautiful Belgian womens fashion brand that encourages female empowerment already since the early sixties. Starting this partnership with the goal to do a full blown market-entry in Germany is therefore an extremely big and cool challenge that we had to say yes to and which makes everyone at FSG very proud.’
We will soon update you on the cool things we have been working on with Xandres in order for us to size up their market-entry. To be continued…
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